Create the Romantic Relationship of Your Dreams!

Is Your Relationship in Trouble or

Is Something Missing from Your Relationship?

Get Relationship Help
Transform Your Relationship Now!

Do You See Your Relationship Here?

Let’s talk about what might be going on in your relationship. You are with your partner for love, connection, companionship, sex, financial stability, having children or other reasons. You believed at the outset that things would go well and that you’d be happy and fulfilled in your relationship. And for a period of time, all was well . . .

But, the time may have come when “the bloom is off the rose”. You find yourself disappointed at the very least and devastated at the very worst in your relationship. You hurt and you’re tired of hurting. The longer you wait to effectively address what’s going on in your relationship, the more it can wear away the romantic relationship you desire and the more challenging it can be to address it if you do.

If you have children, they’re affected by what goes on with Mom and Dad and you feel responsible for that too.

Or maybe things are going OK, but you have a sense of having lost something in your relationship along the way and you yearn to find it or something even better now. 

Is it time for a “Relationship Tune Up?”

Let’s explore what may be going on.

Whether you’ve described your relationship as being in trouble or being just okay and you want more, the questions below will help you get clarity on what is happening with you and your partner.

Are Any of These Questions Keeping You Up at Night?

  • Is my partner as committed to our relationship as I am?
  • Do our needs and desires match well or are we coasting along because it’s comfortable and familiar?
  • Am I truly happy and fulfilled in this relationship?

Is Your Relationship in Trouble? Do you feel. . . 

  • Your relationship slipping away with every argument or misunderstanding
  • Stuck on how to recapture the loving relationship you once shared
  • Frustrated and helpless… and you don’t know what to do about it
  • Rejected and alone fearing a break up is looming
  • Unappreciated, unheard… even unloved!

You’ve always thought of yourself as competent and able to cope…

But, creating a fulfilling relationship that strengthens and supports you, instead of draining and frustrating you, can be very challenging.

When your relationship is not good, it batters you emotionally and sucks up your energy.

It hurts terribly to be in a relationship, but feel like you’re single and painfully alone.

You may be at the point in your relationship where you have some decisions to make…  but you can’t quite bring yourself to make them. Are you wondering how you can remain in your relationship?

Are Any of These Dragging Down YOUR Relationship?

  • You  or your partner aren’t clear about what you each need or want in your relationship
  • The two of you haven’t come to a meeting of the minds on what’s working, or not working well in your relationship
  • Your communication keeps failing because you don’t have a way to navigate around the pitfalls that you get mired in
  • The passion and intimacy have faded or completely gone

Are you and your partner making the same mistakes over and over – going around in circles, digging deeper holes in the relationship… or just giving up? Are you desperate to know how to salvage your relationship?

Hello, I’m Marie Kane, MSW.  For over 40 years I’ve helped people have successful, satisfying relationships at home and at work as a marriage counselor, family therapist, relationship coach, and corporate consultant. I’ve had extensive experience in helping people just like you create the loving relationship and connection that you yearn for.

…And I can help YOU put that magic back in your relationship. YOU CAN have the relationship you are dreaming of.

When you get a firm handle on what’s causing the problems and you discover exactly what to do to make things better… then you will breathe life back into your relationship. You no longer have to keep struggling with how to reclaim your relationship.

It feels so good to finally get unstuck and to be able to move forward into a great relationship.  It feels terrific not to have the emotional energy drain that your relationship used to cause.

It’s wonderful for both you and your partner to resolve those thorny issues and to get on with living fully … in the loving way that you both deserve. You CAN discover how to transform your relationship.

I’ll show you strategies that really work so that you can stop beating up on yourself or each other emotionally. You can stop being disillusioned and frustrated. Now you’ll know how to renew your relationship.

How Can You Fire Up the Passion and Intimacy in Your Relationship?

You Can…

  • Read many books or articles on the subject and try to figure it out by yourself
  • Go to a relationship counselor, if your time, budget and inclination permit
  • Ignore it and hope things get better by themselves over time

… OR You Can Take the Positive Step Right Now…

You can start using powerful methods today to create the romantic relationship with your partner that you’ve always wanted. The Relationship Magic System takes you and your partner by the hand and leads you step-by-step to create that relationship.

You don’t have to wonder anymore how to resurrect your relationship.

You Don’t Have to Feel Unloved, Miserable… or Settle for Less
Ignite Love, Fun and Affection… It’s Closer than You Think!

Let me help you stop your frustration and disappointment.

If you’re ready to create the romantic relationship that you’ve been dreaming about, then the Relationship Magic for Couples System is for you.

You can change your relationship for the better…forever!

Even if you feel hurt and exhausted with trying                         to make your relationship work…

Even if you had abandoned all hope of getting                          affordable and effective help…

Even if you have no idea how to transform your relationship. . .

Two Major Systems Are the Magic
in the Relationship Magic for Couples Process

The Five Key Elements are the pillars that point to WHAT you need to be vigilant about in maintaining and developing your dream romantic relationship. They provide the framework for revealing your relationship’s strengths and weaknesses.

The Five Key Steps are the “HOW” that guide you through exactly what to do to get from where you are in your relationship now to where you desire to be. The Steps teach you new relationship skills. They also ensure that you have a plan for the ongoing care and development of your relationship.

People often ask if this will work if only one partner is willing to work on the relationship. While it’s ideal for both partners to work with this system, if even one partner does it will still change the situation. Changing one side of a relationship always affects the other side. Even if you have to start this process by yourself, it will be the catalyst for changing your relationship with your partner.

This is for you if you want what Dr. Candace Kaspers says about Relationship Magic for Couples.

Expert Review from Dr. Candace Kaspers

As a corporate communication consultant and chairperson of a university Communication department for many years, I know how easily miscommunication can wreak havoc among people. With relationships, the stakes are that much higher and, often, more complex. That’s why I’m excited that Marie Kane has created “Relationship Magic for Couples.” Its comprehensive, but easy approach will help a huge spectrum of couples— from those who have good relationships and want to get to the next level to those whose relationships are suffering and want to know how to save their relationship. 

In “The Relationship Magic for Couples” system,” Marie Kane has amassed an array of sound communication and relationship techniques and distilled them into a simple five step process for couples to follow for success. It’s easy to follow, interesting, and logical.

Unlike other “couple’s relationship” programs, this one includes very specific guidelines that help you avoid potential pitfalls, can be done on your timetable, doesn’t require that you share your private business with others or get additional programs for it to work. It gets results in a very short time if you follow the simple guidelines.

“The Relationship Magic for Couples” system is an outstanding value. It’s sensible, professional and powerful. I recommend it highly.

Do You Wonder if You Can Do This Successfully?

Do you fear that it takes special skill or years of study? Definitely not! You can do this with the help provided in Relationship Magic for Couples. You will know the answer to how to save or revitalize your relationship. You can change your relationship for better…forever!

Let me tell you a true story

Many years ago I was teaching Step 4, the dialogue with your spouse, of the Relationship Magic system to a group of clients. They had not previously worked with me on relationship skills. I gave them all a homework assignment so they could practice the process. They were to get with their spouse or significant other that evening and go through the process as I had taught them.

To help, they had a handout that walked them through the process. This was the first time they had ever been exposed to this process and we had reviewed it briefly during the class.

The first thing the next morning I asked for volunteers to share their experience with the group.  It was like the group had come alive overnight.  There was a whole new buzz in the room. The reports were very positive, but one man’s story in particular has stayed with me.

He stood up with tears in his eyes and said,

“My wife and I have been married for more than 25 years.  My wife looked me in the eyes last night and said that in all that time we have never had a conversation like this!”

He went on to say that their conversation would positively affect their marriage for the rest of their lives. 

That couple discovered important insights even without the benefit of the enhancements that I’ve added to the process over the years since then.

You’ll improve the physical side of your relationship too because, as you know from experience, your physical response to your partner depends a lot on your emotional relationship.

Want to know more about the process? Let’s see what another expert has to say about it.

Expert Review from Leslie Dashew, MSW

If you’ve ever used a recipe to create a wonderful meal, then you’ll find Marie Kane’s recipe for improved couples’ relationships, the Relationship Magic for Couples System, enormously helpful.  Marie shares the ingredients for couples’ success then takes you step-by-step through exactly how to create it with your partner.

In the work I’ve done with individuals, couples, families and businesses for 40 years, I’ve found that it’s difficult to describe the “recipe” for improving relationships in enough detail that people can do it themselves.

Marie Kane has created a “Do It Yourself” kit for relationships.  She provides the tools to look at your own needs and wants and what you contribute to the relationship you’re in.  She shows you how to communicate effectively with your partner, even if you’ve had problems with doing that in the past.

Marie addresses how to deal with the hurt and anger caused by conflict and misunderstandings so that partners can share their feelings in a way that both feel engaged and understood.  She lays out clearly how to not only deal with current issues but also ensure a foundation for continuing relationship success.

If you have the ability to follow a recipe for a delicious meal, then you’ll be able to use “Relationship Magic” to transform your relationship and, in that process, to transform your life.

Leslie Dashew, MSW, is an award-winning consultant and author who has worked with families as a therapist and advisor and served on the Emory University School of Medicine faculty in Psychiatry.

How Long Does It Take?

It’s important to allow yourselves ample contemplation and processing time. You’ll agree at the beginning what pace will work for you, considering how each of you approach things and considering all the other aspects of your life that require attention.

The good news is that you will start very early in the process to reveal powerful insights about your relationship. Knowledge is Power and Clarity is Liberating! You will agree up front on how much time each week you will devote to this process as well as where and when. Being strongly committed to this investment in your relationship is essential.

In general, the first time you go through the process, plan for four to six weeks. It is possible to do it faster, but at the risk of not allowing enough time to really learn the skills and internalize them. On the other hand, it’s best to finish your first time through the process within no more than approximately three months so that you don’t lose momentum.  

What a tiny slice of time this is to transform your relationship and your life!

This opportunity is priceless.

What’s Included in YOUR Relationship Magic for Couples System?

In the “Relationship Magic for Couples” system, you’ll receive:
A Separate Step-by-Step Guide, with Detailed Instructions for Each of the 5 Steps to:

  • Share with each other exactly what you each need and want in YOUR romantic relationship
  • Reveal how you each see your relationship working now
  • Handle misunderstandings, even heated disagreements
  • Explore together how you will create the relationship you both desire, including what specific actions you will take and what agreements you will make
  • Agree on how you will keep your relationship vital and passionate in the future

An in depth assessment about your relationship is completed online, scored electronically and the results are sent to you via email. This is not the same as the free quiz on the website. It will give you much more information that you can take positive action on.

MEGA BONUSES: You’re NOT ALONE in this process..

  • Bonus One: Twice monthly live Q&A for 3 months from purchase date where you can ask questions about your experience in the process.
  • Bonus Two: RMC Process Planner and Checklist to customize your pace with schedule and goals through the process
  • Bonus Three: Special Situations Recommendations
  • Bonus Four: Free access to the in-depth assessment of your relationship when you finish the Relationship Magic process
  • Bonus Five: Lifetime access to updates to Relationship Magic for Couples

All the guides are provided in MS Word and PDF formats.

You can complete the guide on your computer or print out the Workbook and handwrite if you prefer.

A summary overview of everything included in the product is provided for easy reference.

A Small Investment to Create Your Dream Relationship!

The investment in your future for the 
Relationship Magic for Couples System
 is $797

  • Less than some new furniture
  • Less than a nice weekend get-a-way
  • Less than a handful of counseling sessions

Even taking just one of the steps will pay off more than the price of this system. Why am I offering such a modest investment for the Relationship Magic for Couples System

Because I want to help.  I know this can be the difference between a Great Relationship… or a Failed One! This will show you how to transform your Relationship.

This is the first time I’ve offered this publicly, until now it’s only been available to private clients.  Now I want to get this into as many hands as possible so that I can:

  • Help more couples have Great Relationships
  • Receive stories about the impact of this system so even more couples will use Relationship Magic to create their dream Relationships and, in so doing, also make the world a better place
  • Invite feedback from members of the Relationship Magic family on what else you’d like me to include in Relationship Magic for Couples in the future

You know from experience that your Relationships impacts you every day in countless ways.  A better relationship means a better life for you and all those you care about.  It doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 65. 

You can have a fantastic relationship with your partner.  Life hands you enough challenges already.

Make your relationship your source of strength, not your source of stress.

BUT, This is NOT for You If…

  • You are NOT willing to put some effort into making things better
  • You WON’T follow through on using the Relationship Magic for Couples System, once you have it
  • You’re in an unsafe abusive relationship and you need to leave it in order to be safe

Just a reminder: People often ask if this will work if only one partner is willing to work on the relationship. While it’s ideal for both partners to work with this system, if even one partner does it will still change the situation. Changing one side of a relationship always affects the other side. Even if you have to start this process by yourself, it will be the catalyst for changing your relationship with your partner.

Let’s hear from one more expert about Relationship Magic for Couples.

Expert Review from Geoff Laughton

In my experience, there is nothing more complex, more emotionally challenging and yet more soul expanding than being in a relationship with someone…particularly in a romantic relationship.  In a time where divorce rates continue to be discouragingly high and access to the kind of help that can make a solid difference in healing a wounded relationship is out of reach for so many, there’s long been a place for some kind of tool(s) that could make an immediate difference without breaking the bank.  In her new program, “Relationship Magic for Couples,”  Marie Kane has introduced just what the doctor ordered.

In my 26 years as a Relationship Coach, I’ve witnessed first-hand how sticky and confusing conflict gets to be for couples.  Marie has included a section describing key, common causes of conflicts and guidelines for resolving them that use language that anyone at any level of experience and sophistication can understand and implement.

While Relationship Magic doesn’t deny that there are uncomfortable feelings to get through to have a magical breakthrough in one’s relationship, it brings a much-needed element of fun and playfulness into the process that I think would make it much more likely to be implemented by the couple that’s both wise and fortunate enough to get their hands on this program.

Marie has done a masterful job of synthesizing years of book learning, personal experience and 40 years of relationship mastery into a product that can immediately help a couple identify why their relationship is struggling, start identifying solutions and provide grounded, real-life exercises to clear up blocks to deeper love, passion and intimacy.

Geoff Laughton is a renowned Relationship Coach who has spent the last 26 years coaching and guiding individuals and couples back into the kinds of relationships that match their most authentic and spirit-guided selves. Geoff is also a published author and frequent speaker on healthy relationships.

OK, I’m Ready, How Do I Access Relationship Magic for Couples?

“For now, the Relationship Magic System is yours for only $797 single pay

or $846 paid in 3 installments of $282 each at 30 day intervals.”

Simply click the yellow ‘Get the Magic Now’ button below for your chosen payment option 

to get your Relationship Magic for Couples immediately!

You’ll get tomorrow’s help for free because you acted today.

What’s Your Guarantee?

I want you to have the relationship you desire and I’m confident the proven Relationship Magic for Couples (RMC) process will help you to do so. But, please, only get RMC if you are serious about changing your relationship for the better and will do the necessary work. I can guarantee that if you faithfully work the process that you will have more clarity about what’s causing the issues in your relationship and the tools to do something about them. 

What you choose to do will be up to you.

I want you to be happy with your purchase experience. If you decide Relationship Magic for Couples is not for you, we will refund your purchase price upon your written request within (14) days of your purchase.

In that event I offer, but do NOT require, a 1:1 Zoom session for the couple to explore your situation as it relates to Relationship Magic to see if I can help you get unstuck where you are. You still retain your option to request a refund.   

This is a win-win situation since you get some input to help you transform your relationship and I get some feedback on my process. If you’d like to accept this no hassle offer please email me at If you are not interested and wish a refund, please email to let us know.          

Create the Romantic Relationship of your dreams!

Act now to get the current low price.

Simply Click the Button Below for your chosen payment option.
Begin Transforming Your Relationship TODAY!

You’re Going to Jump for Joy When 
You Have the Dream Relationship
You’ve Always Wanted

Let’s recap. The Relationship Magic for Couples 
Five-Step Process to Your Dream Relationship

  • You’ll clearly understand what you each need and want from your relationship
  • You’ll know specifically what’s underlying the strain in your relationship and how to stop the loss of your relationship
  • You’ll know how to greatly reduce conflict and misunderstandings
  • You’ll vastly improve communication with each other
  • You’ll enjoy all the benefits of living in a more loving and happy home
It Gets Even Better Because As You Take These Steps You will:
  • Create the foundation for an even richer, stronger, more delightful relationship going forward
  • Know how to increase your intimacy and fulfillment; so you’ll never feel unappreciated or unloved again
  • Reduce stress, fear or frustration associated with your relationship
  • Eliminate defensiveness and stonewalling.
  • Increase mutual respect and support for each other

This is for you if you’re ready to take action to create the relationship you’ve been yearning for.

P.S.  Every day that goes by is another day you don’t have to suffer frustration and hurt, when you could have had the romantic relationship of your dreams.
P.P.S.  This price could go up at any time.

If you have questions about the use of the product, please click the FAQ button in the menu below. The answer to your question is likely to be there. If the FAQ does not address your question, please click on the Support Button at the top or bottom of this page and send us your question. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.