Frequently Asked Questions
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Relationship Magic for Couples Cracks the Code on
What “Makes or Breaks” YOUR Romantic Relationship!
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions below.
1. How much Time Does it Take?
The “Relationship Magic for Couples Five Step Process to Your Dream Relationship” will take you by the hand and guide you through transforming your relationship.
In general, the first time you go through the process plan for four to six weeks. It is possible to do it faster, but at the risk of not allowing enough time to really learn the skills and internalize them. On the other hand, it’s best to finish your first time through the process in no more than two months so you don’t lose momentum.
Two Major Systems Are the Magic in the Relationship Magic for Couples Process
The Five Key Elements are the pillars that point to WHAT you need to be vigilant about in maintaining and developing your dream romantic relationship. They provide the framework for revealing your relationship’s strengths and weaknesses.
The Five Key Steps are the “HOW” that guide you through exactly what to do to get from where you are in your relationship now to where you desire to be. The Steps teach you new relationship skills. They also ensure that you have a plan for the ongoing care and development of your relationship.
It’s important to allow yourselves ample contemplation and processing time. You’ll agree at the beginning what pace will work for you, considering how each of you approach things and considering all the other aspects of your life that require attention.
You will go at the pace that works for you and your life. That can vary widely across couples.
2. What do we have to do beforehand?
If you haven’t already done so, you and your partner will separately do the short free quiz. Thinking about your responses and how you chose them will help you with Step One. Then you will move on to Step 2 where you and your partner will separately complete an in-depth assessment of multiple aspects of your relationship.
The process includes very detailed instructions for how to prepare for your conversation with your partner. The first time you go through the process, it is best if you do all the steps in order. Later, when you use what you’ve learned, you’ll most likely go back to the Conflict Resolution guide and the Step 4 Dialogue process and use them on an ongoing basis.
3. What are the best conditions under which to go through this process?
Ideally when you have ample time and privacy and both partners are rested and in good health. It’s also best not to attempt this if you’re in the middle of some serious life crisis, unrelated to your relationship, which is consuming a lot of your time and energy.
4. How will we know that we've made progress?
First, you’ll notice it in the difference in your day-to-day interaction and, second, you’re welcome to retake both the quiz and the comprehensive assessment that you did in Step 2.
5. What if my partner won't agree to work on our relationship with me?
Depending on your situation and commitment level to the relationship, you will first want to consider why your partner won’t agree to work on the relationship and what that means to you.
If you decide to remain in the relationship, then the Relationship Magic information, tools and processes will help you to understand, change and manage your own behavior in a healthier way. In any partnership or equation, when one side changes the other side is affected. Change yourself and you may be surprised at how your partner responds and what your partner becomes willing to look at.
6. What do I do if my partner thinks there is nothing wrong, or blames me for everything he or she feels is wrong?
See answer just above.
7. How can I be sure this will work?
Every situation is different and you can’t know with certainty going in what the outcome will be. You do know that if you do nothing, then nothing will change. What is sure is that you will be better equipped to move forward positively in your relationship than you are now.
8. If this doesn't work, what are my options?
You most likely will still have most, if not all, of the options you did to begin with, but now because you have a better understanding of yourself and the dynamics in your relationship you will be better equipped to make a healthy decision for yourself than you were before. You will also want to consider why it didn’t work. If it’s lack of application and your partner is willing, then try again, this time not skipping or skimping on any of the steps. Don’t give up too soon if the relationship is really important to both partners. Remember, you are not alone. Make use of the twice monthly live Q&A available for free for 60 days from date of purchase.
9. What if I don't trust my partner? Is this still useful then?
Yes, absolutely. Going through this process will help you surface and heal the issues that led to the loss of trust.
10. What if we start the process and it breaks down and one of us refuses to continue? Will that be harmful?
It will further affect how the partners feel about each other and that can add to the difficulty in the relationship. See all of the Q &A above for some more perspective on related issues. There are no guarantees in life or relationships. The alternative is to do nothing and remain where you are. Only you can weigh the pain you’re in against any possible negative outcomes and decide if it’s worth the risk. In general, making no changes to a bad situation because something undesirable may happen is not the best choice.
11. Is this process useful if the main issue is conflict?
Absolutely. There is a wealth of information and help about conflict and the process itself will guide you to surface and work through issues that are producing conflict.
12. What should we do if we have a big blow up?
Agree to a “cooling off” period. If you haven’t been through the process before, then each read the Step 3 Secrets to Healthy, Successful Conflict Resolution, then use the guidelines in Step 4 about how to have a productive dialog about your relationship, but focus just on the issue causing the blow up to have a conversation with your partner about it.
13. Is this process useful if the main issue is not conflict?
Yes, again absolutely. There is also a wealth of help for improving your relationship with your partner even if things are going well or at least, no conflict is present.
14. What types of conflict is this process best for?
The fundamentals in conflict resolution are to get to the heart of the matter, the root cause of it and then come to some agreement satisfactory to both parties about it. This is true whether the issue is money or sex or time together or politics or a third party interference or intense stress, or parenting, or any of the other things that tend to cause conflict in a relationship.
15. What are the warning signs that we should look for that let us know we have a conflict?
Other than obvious conflicts like shouting at one another or other overt signs of a fight, there are many subtle indicators. The Secrets to Healthy, Successful Conflict Resolution guide points out many of the behaviors that tend to crop up when a subtle fight is on in the discussion on tip number 10. Some are if there is an undercurrent of tension, if you or your partner feels “bristly” when you’re around the other, if you withdraw or get patronizing or take “cheap shots” or get aggressive about your point of view. These are all indicators of an unresolved conflict.
16. Is the goal never to have conflict?
No, disagreements are natural. The key is to not have differences or hurt feelings disintegrate into harming the relationship because the issue is not addressed in a healthy way.
17. What if one of us has a serious, long-term, unresolved alcohol, drug or other addiction problem that has been significantly affecting the relationship?
The dynamics of addiction will interfere with resolving relationship issues. The process can still be helpful, but it’s more likely you’ll run into a snag. This is a situation in which a third party facilitator is helpful. And, of course, it’s very important that the partner with the addiction be actively getting help to deal with that. If your partner refuses to get help and it’s creating serious problems in the relationship, then you have to decide if you’ll stay in the relationship if nothing changes or it gets worse. If you’re in this situation, talk to a counselor specializing in that addiction.
18. What if my partner has a hot temper and we can't get through a conversation about our relationship without things blowing up?
This is another situation where getting professional third party help to facilitate the conversation is a good idea. If your partner won’t talk calmly and won’t agree to get help, then you can work through the process yourself as much as possible. Make changes in yourself and see what changes that causes in your partner. If ultimately things don’t get better, then you have to evaluate staying in the relationship. Contemplating ending a relationship is difficult and often frightening, but it’s usually less painful than the regrets that come with staying in a situation that consumes your life. Keep in mind that most relationships can be saved with the right help and support if both partners are committed to saving the relationship and creating a better one.
What a tiny slice of time this is to transform your relationship and your life!
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What’s Your Guarantee?
I want you to have the relationship you desire and I’m confident the proven Relationship Magic for Couples (RMC) process will help you to do so. But, please, only get RMC if you are serious about changing your relationship for the better and will do the necessary work. I can guarantee that if you faithfully work the process that you will have more clarity about what’s causing the issues in your relationship and the tools to do something about them.
What you choose to do will be up to you.
I want you to be happy with your purchase experience. If you decide Relationship Magic for Couples is not for you, we will refund your purchase price upon your written request within (14) days of your purchase. Since you will receive the entire program immediately upon purchase, you need only glance through it to see if it resonates for you.
In that event I offer, but do NOT require, a 1:1 Zoom session for the couple to explore your situation as it relates to Relationship Magic to see if I can help you get unstuck where you are on the Relationship Magic for Couples process. You still retain your option to request a refund.
This is a win-win situation since you get some input to help you transform your relationship and I get some feedback on my process. If you’d like to accept this no hassle offer please email me at If you are not interested and wish a refund, please email to let us know.
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Let’s recap.
This is for you if you’re ready to take action to create the relationship you’ve been yearning for
P.S. Every day that goes by is another day you don’t have to suffer frustration and hurt, when you could have had the romantic relationship of your dreams.
P.P.S. This price could change at any time.
“For now, the Relationship Magic System is yours for only $497.”
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.