Affiliate Resources

Affiliate Resources:
Link to the Free Quiz Funnel
Sample Emails to Promote the Relationship Magic for Couples Product,
Logo Image

Hello Affiliate/JV Partner and Welcome from Marie Kane!

If you have not already signed up as an affiliate, please do so first thing so I can ensure that you get credit for product sales from those whom you refer.  If you haven’t already done so, please go to (Josh, Note: this link is not set up yet, it will come from my shopping cart, so I’ll get it a bit later.)

Below you’ll find resources to help you promote the Relationship Magic for Couples system.  If you need other items or help in any way, don’t hesitate to contact Marie at

How We Can Best Work Together to Promote the Relationship Magic Product

If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact me immediately.  I’m committed to supporting you in any way I can and to over-delivering for your list so they’ll be singing your praises for letting them know about Relationship Magic for Couples.

I, dba Relationship Magic Now, LLC will:

  • Provide link to the Free Quiz to offer as part of your promotion to your list
  • Provide you with a review copy of the core product to qualified affiliates free of charge, to be used only by and for you in understanding the product so that you can promote it effectively.  These materials are not to be shared with others, except that you are invited to use it in your own relationship if you so desire. It can help you enrich a currently good relationship or help you improve a troubled relationship.  There’s no better promotion than being able to say that you used it yourself and can personally attest to its power.
  • Provide drafts of email blasts to be used in promoting the product to your list and others as agreed.
  • Assist you as much as possible in promoting our offerings.  I encourage you to contact us at the email address above or call 770-461-3820 to discuss how I can partner to most effectively serve your customers.  I’m happy to consider a special incentive for them to make the buying decision. I’ll be delighted to discuss any other creative ideas you have for ways to help them choose the Relationship Magic Product to change their relationships for the better and transform their lives in doing so.
  • Ensure Affiliate tracking and reporting via Thrive Cart is done once you have signed up as an affiliate

    Commission Terms:

    • ONLY products purchased via your affiliate link are eligible for commission.
    • Commission is 50% of the sales price for any products offered at a price point $99.00 or below.
    • Commission for the core product, regular price of $797.00 (or any other price agreed upon for your list) is 40%.
    • Commission for any upsell coaching programs is 20%. This reflects that these programs are live coaching, not auto provided digital material. 
    • If I later offer other related products or programs that are purchased by parties credited on your affiliate link, you will receive a 10% commission of the sales price unless you actively promote such new items as an affiliate/JV Partner with your affiliate link, in which case you receive the going rate for affiliate commissions or other as agreed upon.
    • Commissions are paid on the 15th of the month for the preceding month via PayPal. Make sure you provide your correct PayPal email.

    You, As the Affiliate/JV Partner Agree:

    • To abide by any agreements as set forth in this affiliate documentation
    • To promote the product vigorously and honestly and in keeping with high ethical standards
    • To provide  information necessary for us to support your promotional efforts such as recommended dates for special pricing for your list or fast action bonus expiration (if used, based on the affiliate’s promotional strategy and schedule), and input on possible special incentives for your group .
    • When promoting over the specified time period to a list via email or other means, to send a minimum of three communications, whether quiz invitation or other communication, and to implement such promotions on the agreed upon schedule
    • To employ such other promotional tactics as you find beneficial, such as social media
    • To provide any feedback or recommendations to me on the product Website, the product, or the affiliate resources so that I can make best efforts to assist you in promoting the product
    • To bring directly to my attention any concerns at all about the Affiliate/JV Partner relationship

    Here Are Your Affiliate Resources for Promoting Relationship Magic for Couples

    Quiz Funnel Information

    The Strategy of Choice in Promoting the Relationship Magic for Couples Product is a Full On Funnel Structured as a Free Quiz

    It uses best practices to support conversions including a detailed, customized report for the participant, building trust and demonstrating expertise, providing recommendations and offering an additional bonus instant free webinar. Webinars have been demonstrated to increase conversions. For those familiar with it, the quiz is the Ryan Levesque build a business on the back of a quiz model, which has been shown to be extremely effective.

    For Affiliate use in Promoting the Free Quiz 

    PROMOTIONAL EMAILS – Three themes:

    General Theme:

    SUBJECT LINE: Something different today – A Recipe for Trust, Love and Connection

    SUBJECT LINE: Attention: Couples Who Desire a wonderful relationship

    Our romantic relationships are such an important part of our lives. They affect everything, for good or ill. When my friend, Marie Kane, told me about her Free Quiz based on over 40 years of working with relationships, I just couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It shows you what most needs attention in your relationship right now. It helps you take one step closer to creating the loving, vastly fulfilling romantic relationship that your hearts’ desire.

    Click here to Get the Magic Now for your relationship. (Insert your affiliate link here.)

    Valentine’s Day Theme

    SUBJECT LINE: Better than any other Valentine!

    Valentine’s Day is just once a year, but our relationships are with us every day of the year, every moment of our lives.  What’s more important in your life than your relationship with the people you care most about?  Our human need for connection, love and affection is very strong.  When we have it, everything in our life is better; when we don’t, we feel the pain of what we’re missing.

    What did you get for last Valentine’s Day?  How about a great relationship?  Unfortunately, you can’t just go to the store and buy a great romantic relationship.  But there is an alternative.  When my friend, Marie Kane, told me about her Free Quiz based on over 40 years of working with relationships, I just couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It shows you what most needs attention in your relationship right now. It helps you take one step closer to creating the loving, vastly fulfilling romantic relationship that your hearts’ desire.

    Click here to Get the Magic Now for your relationship. (Insert your affiliate link here.)

    Springtime/Love in the Air Theme

    SUBJECT LINE: Time for love and romance to blossom in your life!

    SUBJECT LINE: Want the relationship of your dreams?

    Have the relationship of your dreams!

    You know how people love Spring when everything is new and blossoming and beginnings feel so possible?  The poets say, “Love is in the air”.  The question might be “Is love in your air?”  You know from experience that your romantic relationship – good or bad makes an enormous difference in the quality of your life.  What’s more rewarding or more frustrating in your life than your romantic relationship?

    We have a need for commitment and communication, trust and respect, and let’s not forget honesty, in all our closest relationships, but our romantic relationships can be especially rewarding or challenging because they’re so emotionally intimate.  How’s your romantic relationship?  Does it make your heart sing or scream?  Is it fun or a constant struggle?  Do you have everything you want in your relationship?  If not, I’ve got something special for you.

    When my friend, Marie Kane, told me about her Free Quiz based on over 40 years of working with relationships, I just couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It shows you what most needs attention in your relationship right now. It helps you take one step closer to creating the loving, vastly fulfilling romantic relationship that your hearts’ desire.

    Click here to Get the Magic Now for your relationship. (Insert your affiliate link here.)

    Logo Images

    To download logo images use each link below for the images you wish to use.